Let's Halt Industrialization of the South Central Farm

Let's Halt Industrialization of the South Central Farm
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Join the South Central Farmers to Halt Industrialization of the South Central Farm

If you have not emailed your opposition please do so at this email: christina.toy-lee@lacity.org. The suggested language is embedded in the email link.

On June 3rd, members of the community communicated with the South Central Farmers that there were new attempts to develop the land at 41st and Alameda -- the original site of the South Central Farm. On June 5, 2013 the city of Los Angeles would be considering approval of the "Mitigated Negative Declaration" (MND) as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process.

According to Public Resources Code Section 21064.5:

"Mitigated negative declaration" means a negative declaration prepared for a project when the initial study has identified potentially significant effects on the environment, but (1) revisions in the project plans or proposals made by, or agreed to by, the applicant before the proposed negative declaration and initial study are released for public review would avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment would occur, and (2) there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the public agency that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment.

Below you can see where we are in the CEQA process. It will be on the left middle section of the diagram.

With a two-day notice we had about 75 supporters opposing the project. In the words of long-time supporter Leslie Radford:

The room seated 52, and people were standing along the back and side walls. They hadn't bothered with speaker cards. And There We Were. The Farm was in the house.

Everyone spoke beautifully. There seemed to be only two actual Commissioners present--the president, William Roschen, and a sidekick. What they heard was a litany of voices, some with carefully prepared statements, some speaking from their hearts, some bravely sludging through the quagmire of legalese, others poetry, still others plainspoken.

Poetry, Impact, Miss Me, and Active (PIMA) made the expected stand on jobs, but they also admitted these were mostly jobs transferred from other locations "within walking distance," and that they paid "slightly over minimum wage" with maybe health benefits.

We shut them down. No decision today. The Farm is still arable, at least for a few weeks. The comment period will remain open till June 26th, 2013.

What we gained was three weeks before the Commissioners make a decision. If we remember right, that's what we got with Forever 21 back in 2008 when the Horowitz warehouse was stopped, and it was time to pull together the support we needed to demand the Environmental Impact Report that forced F21 out of the game. They're not holding another hearing, though. It's 3 weeks for more public comment.


Proposed Project:



Thanks to everyone here, and there's more to do. Save the Farm!

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