anthony kennedy

Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement will quickly lead to less abortion access, the legal analyst said.
The Supreme Court may suddenly be very interested in state and local gun laws.
If Trump replaces the only moderate on the court, women are left to the wolves.
Following Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s enate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer addressed.
President Donald Trump will nominate another Supreme Court justice now that Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement.
The president said he will choose from a previously circulated list of judges to replace Kennedy.
The justice's departure will likely tilt the balance of the court further to the right.
Republicans won big cases dealing with immigration, as well as voting and abortion rights.
The justices overturned a 1992 Supreme Court precedent that had barred states from requiring businesses with no "physical presence" in that state to collect sales taxes.
Baker Jack Phillips rebuffed David Mullins and Charlie Craig in 2012.