
The legislation aims to help heal the “intergenerational trauma” caused by the government forcing generations of Native children into white assimilation schools.
The Interior Department’s probe into its former policy “will inevitably shed light on extremely troubling episodes in our nation’s history,” lawmakers said.
Brokaw later said he felt "terrible a part of my comments on Hispanics offended some members of that proud culture."
I possess a Taiwanese birth certificate, a U.S. passport, a German marriage certificate and a Swiss permanent residency card.
"You don’t need to get a PhD and work for NASA, or go to an Ivy, or write a bestseller, or f**k, even 'assimilate' ... to have value as an immigrant."
Austrian Muslims called the move "patronizing" -- especially since most girls don't wear hijabs until puberty.
The German chancellor said immigrants will have to do more to assimilate.
The bilingual, bicultural candidate calls for assimilation in public, but practices multiculturalism at home.
"If they were assimilated, within a decade they'd probably be doing as well as the rest of us."