death certificate

The official document contains some unofficial wording that might be stretching things a bit.
Jeanne Pouchain's status as deceased is the result of a court decision that deemed her dead even though no death certificate was produced.
A Long Island criminal defendant tried faking his death to avoid a jail sentence, but the phony death certificate his lawyer submitted had a glaring spelling error.
You may not have as much control as you'd like after your parent's death, so be proactive now.
"Last Week Tonight" looks at how screwed up the coroner business is and what it would take to fix it.
The cause of death for the notorious Boston mob boss was listed as “blunt force injuries of the head" while imprisoned.
We should be thinking of these drugs in combination, not isolation, researchers say.
Genderqueer residents can now have their birth and death certificates amended to reflect their gender identity.
"When you're a loved one waiting for that information; that's heart-breaking."