equal rights amendment

Michelle Sutherland was recreating Virginia’s state flag, which features a goddess' exposed breast, when she was arrested for indecent exposure.
The actress talks about equal rights for women, the future of Me Too and tensions with Rose McGowan.
"We just captured the House, and now we’re going to show what we’re going to do with it," the star congresswoman told the crowd.
Illinois is the 37th state to approve the amendment. Ratification by just one more state could get it added to the U.S. Constitution.
For decades, women have been fighting for an equal rights amendment. Gun owners, mostly men, have had the Second Amendment for centuries.
Controversial think pieces aren't the enemy. The real foe of the Me Too movement hasn’t even arrived yet.
only two more states are needed to pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
The original push to pass the ERA fell just three states short.