
Some 150 students were participating in the cleanup along the banks of the Cileueur when 21 of them slipped into the water.
The suspect bought the plane ticket with his wife’s name and brought the identity card, the PCR test result and the vaccination card with his wife’s name.
Josh Paler Lin and Leia Se were ordered off the Indonesian resort island after duping supermarket guards with a painted surgical mask.
The cause of the sinking remains a mystery.
The KRI Nanggala 402 went missing on Wednesday and concern is mounting the sub may have sunk too deep to reach or recover.
Video showed body parts scattered near the gates of a packed Roman Catholic cathedral on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island.
Indonesia's LGBTQ community has been under siege over the past few years, particularly in the conservative province of Aceh.
More than 600 people were injured during the magnitude 6.2 quake, which sent people fleeing their homes in the darkness.
Officials believe they have identified the location of the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder, one day after the passenger plane carrying 62 people crashed.
Many palm oil fruit workers in Indonesia and neighboring Malaysia endure exploitation, including child labor. The oil is in many products worldwide.