motivational speaker

I had to maintain my sanity in an industry that constantly critiqued my body, my age, and my 5-foot-5-inch frame.
The "Master of None" star told the Academy Award winner she needed some of her "Halle Berry juice," which led to a killer pep talk and a big kiss.
Nyeeam Hudson wants to help uplift other kids and unlock their potential.
And how her Latino roots shaped who she is today.
The problems we have today can't be solved with the same thinking we used when we created them.
After being labeled the "world's ugliest woman," she's learned to reconsider traditional beauty standards.
Epiphanies are mental moments where we have instant clarity, which can turn into motivation to change and charge forward. But not all epiphanies are created equally. Some demand a deep inward search, and you'll be stuck asking the tough questions to see what you are made of.