Barack Obama

The barrier-breaking entertainer and activist died at age 96.
The former first lady shared a wise tip about marriage that young lovebirds need to hear.
The former first lady burned the ex-president on "The Tonight Show," without even saying his name.
The late night host spotted a potential new career for the ex-president, based on one of his best-known habits.
The star basketball player said the Tigers should celebrate with former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama rather than Joe and Jill Biden.
“The first thing we did was talk about the fact that she will only get to do this once,” Glover told GQ.
The Texas GOP lawmaker was caught on camera nosing around on the House floor.
Getting voted into office isn't enough. Most Black mayors barely have enough time to truly turn their cities around.
The former first lady opens up in a new podcast.
Mikey Day's Garland chillingly announces at a faux press conference: "I am the law."