
The world is changing before our eyes. With global warming, human damage and the disintegration of traditions, the threat to planet Earth's most beautiful wonders is very real. Now is the time to witness these precious places before they change forever.
Climate activists Pattie Gonia, Aneesa Khan, Anita Okunde and Isaias Hernandez debunk some of the common climate myths currently in debate. The campaigners set the record straight If you’ve ever heard: ‘plastic use is harmless’, ‘the environment can't be racist’, ‘carbon offsetting will save us’ or ‘it’s your fault’.
Columbia University astronomers suggest a new way we might grab the attention of alien civilizations.
Planet 9 remains a mystery, but this is one attempt to explain it.
The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope is meant to solve the mysteries of dark energy and seek out distant planets.
NASA says there’s no danger the space rock will slam into our planet.