Your Road Map for Dealing With Inner Resistance

There are three ways to clean out our internal libraries and conquer inner resistance. We start the cleaning process by becoming aware of what our beliefs are, by embodying our own growth process, and by releasing any thought that is not positive.
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Gigi Bisong, Purpose Coach, Author, Speaker

Why does resistance surface when we are so close to standing to our edge? Half of our foot is on old soil and the tips of our toes lay toward our new way of being. This new way of being is so vivid as it reflects back to us our deepest desires and highest reflections. We stand on that edge wanting to step forward but our deepest desires and visions of our highest self becomes a distant image as thoughts and memories of lack, anxiety, fear and failure cloud our mind. It makes us take four steps back. It forces us look at our new way of being as scary, unsafe, and dangerous. So in that moment we decide to resist change and put that project off. We decide to watch TV at our leisure or surf the internet because they feel like safer options. Here we are standing in the dark afraid of what's there and even more afraid of the light that lies ahead. This strong emotion overtakes us and almost paralyzes us. It wants us to stay put. We argue with ourselves but there are faint whispers that tell us we are "safer where we are." This tug of war is hard on our soul. We stand there with a choice to make, a choice to stay or a choice to go.

Why is it so hard to be the highest version of ourselves? It becomes a loathsome task to write that book, to go to the gym, or to pursue the career of our dreams. Is it because we have allowed ourselves to become lazy? No, laziness is not it. It is our self-doubt coupled with our negative and fear-based mental chatter. Our inner critic is silently speaking to us all the time. If we don't choose to master our minds and consciously choose our thoughts and feelings then our inner critic will continue to do it for us and sabotage us by stopping us from keeping our healthy commitments.

We will allow our negative inner-self to control how much or how little success, money, and happiness fills our lives. It controls what we attract in our lives and every decision we make.

This inner critic tells us, "It's not worth it", "You can't do it," "What if you fail?" "Remember that time you failed and how sad you were?" or "See, it's safer here!" These negative thoughts fill our minds and bodies and now become all our eyes can see. Our eyes are like a library -- a unique library that holds stories filled with beliefs and perceptions from years ago. If we fail to clean out the old books from our libraries, we will find ourselves re-reading old limiting stories. This is what our eyes see throughout the day and throughout our lives. It will see the world from the viewpoint of whatever is in our libraries.

Cleaning out our internal library will lead us through beautiful pathways to magical worlds where we cannot remain the same. The clearing out process is involves releasing negative beliefs, negative self-talk, and the doubts we have about ourselves.

There are three ways to clean out our internal libraries and conquer inner resistance. We start the cleaning process by becoming aware of what our beliefs are, by embodying our own growth process, and by releasing any thought that is not positive. I believe this process will be best experienced if journaled.

1) Be aware.
We must become aware of our beliefs. When resistance shows up it is because the universe is trying to point out a limiting belief that is sabotaging growth. This belief is telling us we will fail or that we are not good enough. This is where the resistance kicks in. The universe is pulling hard to get our attention! This belief will continue to prevent us from accomplishing our goals until we have learned the lesson it is trying to teach us. A great exercise for us is to ask ourselves, "Why is this belief present?" and "What do we need to learn from the experience?" Write the answers down.

2) Embody the lesson.
Maybe you have felt resistance when the time came for you to ask for a promotion at work. Through your journal exercise you may have realized your limiting belief was you don't feel "worthy enough" to ask for a promotion. The lesson in this is your need to embrace your internal power. This step requires you to embody your lesson. You must embody your internal power. It's difficult to move toward a goal when we are feeling unworthy so we must learn to master our feelings. The universe picks up on our feelings and gives us more thoughts and beliefs to support that feeling. Let's make sure our feelings line up with our goals. Imagine what it will feel like to accomplish your goal. Allow this feeling to penetrate your entire being. You must be in the vibrational harmony of what you want before you can have it. Once you are in that vibrational harmony it will be easier to move forward and the resistance you once felt will have been lifted.

3) Release the negativity.
Any time a negative thought about your goal comes up say "release" and drop the thought from your mind immediately before it affects your mood. Do not engage with it. Every time you allow resistance to win you are denying your inner brilliance from coming forward. You are saying NO to the magnificent person you were created to be. It's time to say "YES!"

Gigi Bisong is a find your life purpose coach, author, and speaker. She helps women and youth find their unique purpose so happiness and passion can fill every area of their lives. She believes our main purpose in life is to be fully present in the moment and to infuse love into everything we do. She believes that in every suffering there is a lesson that will propel us forward far beyond our wildest dreams if we so allow it. She also believes we are always being guided and we just need to become aware and open to the guidance.

Find out more about Gigi at and and


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