Sen. Specter Castigates Reid For Pointing Out His Lobbyists Ties, But Wines And Dines Them Anyway...

Sen. Specter Castigates Reid For Pointing Out His Lobbyists Ties, But Wines And Dines Them Anyway...

Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) lashed out at Minority Leader Harry Reid yesterday, accusing Reid of violating Senate conduct rules following Reid's assertion that corporate dollars had bought asbestos legislation access to the chamber floor. A visibly angry Sen. Specter said "that the it may be that the Senator from Nevada is used to slander, is used to libel" and regretted that no other Senators charged Reid with Senate rule violations.

Yet last night, Sen. Specter hosted a $500-per-person fundraiser at his Georgetown apartment that included many asbestos lobbyists. Specter claimed that no particular lobbying interests were singled out and invited. But as the Washington Post reported last week, the fundraiser took place the first night of debate on the asbestos legislation, and many of the industry's lobbyists were scheduled to attend.

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