Republican Reform Initiative...DeLay Given Seat On Subcommittee Overseeing Justice Dept.'s Handling Of Abramoff Investigation...

Republican Reform Initiative...DeLay Given Seat On Subcommittee Overseeing Justice Dept.'s Handling Of Abramoff Investigation...

Indicted Rep. Tom DeLay, forced to step down as the No. 2 Republican in the House, scored a soft landing Wednesday as GOP leaders rewarded him with a coveted seat on the Appropriations Committee.

DeLay, R-Texas, also claimed a seat on the subcommittee overseeing the Justice Department, which is currently investigating an influence-peddling scandal involving disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his dealings with lawmakers. The subcommittee also has responsibility over
NASA -- a top priority for DeLay, since the Johnson Space Center is located in his Houston-area district.

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