<i>Rolling Stone</i> Reporter Discovers How Easy It Is To Be A Fake Lobbyist In DC...

Reporter Discovers How Easy It Is To Be A Fake Lobbyist In DC...

In the April issue of Rolling Stone, reporter Matt Taibbi shows how pretending to be a lobbyist is the easiest way to meet republican Senator Conrad Burns, the man who gave Jack Abramoff "every appropriation he ever wanted." Taibbi heads to Burns $500 plate birthday party with a set of fake business cards that say he's the Government Relations Advisor representing a fictional oil company named "PerDuNefteGaz" (FartOilGas) that wants to drill for oil in the Grand Canyon. Taibbi is told that the magic words to tell the Senator's team are "my clients seek some regulatory relief."
The lobbyists at the party, Senator Burn's staff and the Senator himself all actually take him seriously.

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