YouTube Founders Deliver News Of Google Buy In YouTube Video: "This Is Great - Two King Have Gotten Together"...

YouTube Founders Deliver News Of Google Buy In YouTube Video: "This Is Great - Two King Have Gotten Together"...

YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steven Chen delivered the news of their purchase by Google to the YouTube community as did LonelyGirl15, Justin the "Evolution of Dance" guy and scores of lip-synching teens before them: By posting a video to YouTube. No bells and whistles for these folks, the clip is pretty bare-bones, complete with on-screen crack-up, right about where Hurley says "This is great - two kings have gotten togehter and we're goig to be able to provide you an even better service and build even more innovative features for you!" -- whereupon Chen rolls his eyes and they both crack up and everyone remembers that $1.65 billion dollars kind of makes them The Man and gets back to keeping it real (though Hurley keeps trying to salvage the "two kings" line ("the king of search...the king of video..."). Hurley's gotten most of the press thus far but Chen is pretty adorable with his toothy grin and dimply, pinchable cheeks. We especially liked it when he said "The most compelling part of this is being able to really concentrate on features and functionality for the community." And also, when he rolled his eyes. We don't know what third founder Jawed Karim had to say, as he left YouTube to be a graduate student in computer science at Stanford. Here he is in the very first YouTube video ever. Oh Jawed, we hope you negotiated one hell of a severance check.

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