NBC's Chip Reid: "The Mark Foley Scandal Investigation Is Going To Widen"...

NBC's Chip Reid: "The Mark Foley Scandal Investigation Is Going To Widen"...

On Sunday's The Chris Matthews Show, NBC Congressional Correspondent Chip Reid dropped a bomb during Matthew's "Tell Me Something I Don't Know" segment. "I'm going to be a little cryptic here," Reid began, then added, ""the Mark Foley scandal investigation is going to widen a little bit." Reid is referring to the House Ethics Committee Investigation of sexually explicit messages sent from former Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) to teenage pages over the last several years. Investigation of Foley's relationship with the pages, as well as whether GOP House leadership covered up or ignored knowledge of Foley's attention to pages, is still ongoing and has included appearances before the Ethics Committee of everyone from Hill staffers to House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL).

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