Mary Matalin Solicits Money For Scooter Libby's Defense Fund: "A True Unsung Hero In The War On Terror"...

Mary Matalin Solicits Money For Scooter Libby's Defense Fund: "A True Unsung Hero In The War On Terror"...

Dear supporter,

Thank you for your interest in the Libby Legal Defense Trust. For five years, Scooter Libby served in the White House as one of the finest public servants I have known. Recent press revelations regarding the CIA leak investigation have once again reminded us of the grave injustice done to my friend, Scooter. We now know who disclosed the identity of Valerie Plame. We now know that Scooter had nothing to do with it. And we now know that the special prosecutor has known this all along, but asked the true leaker to keep quiet.
Support Scooter Libby

In light of these revelations, press editorials and op-ed pieces justifiably have called for an end to this whole spectacle. But unfortunately for Scooter and his family, the case is not over. Scooter faces a trial in January and legal bills that will run into the millions of dollars. As a dedicated public servant and a true unsung hero in the war on terror, Scooter should not have to face this overwhelming financial burden on his own.

Read the entire letter:


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