Maureen Dowd: Bush Should Go On Fox News To Confess: "If I Did It--Here's How The Civil War In Iraq Happened"...

Maureen Dowd: Bush Should Go On Fox News To Confess: "If I Did It--Here's How The Civil War In Iraq Happened"...

With a timely reference to the rise and fall of the O.J. Simpson tell-some book -- and what she's calls the "Thanksgiving Day Massacre" in Iraq -- Maureen Dowd in her Saturday column for The New York Times suggests that President Bush goes on Fox News and declares, "If I did it -- here's how the civil war in Iraq happened."

Bush, she writes, "could describe, hypothetically, a series of naïve, arrogant and self-defeating blunders, including his team's failure to comprehend that in the Arab world, revenge and religious zealotry can be stronger compulsions than democracy and prosperity."

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