ExxonMobil "Wants You To Know That It Now Accepts Some Responsibility For Global Warming"...

ExxonMobil "Wants You To Know That It Now Accepts Some Responsibility For Global Warming"...

For more than three decades, the tobacco industry carried on a campaign of disinformation intended to mislead Americans about the health risks of smoking--a strategy that has been dubbed "manufacturing uncertainty" in the minds of consumers. And ever since global warming emerged as an environmental threat, there has been a well-funded public campaign to cast doubt on the scientific consensus about the danger of global warming and its source in fossil-fuel combustion. A report this week by the Union of Concerned Scientists finds a parallel between the efforts to whitewash tobacco and "greenwash" oil--and points the finger of responsibility at the world's largest corporation, ExxonMobil...

...For its part, ExxonMobil--after promulgating, and then withdrawing 20 minutes later, a statement that called the report an "attempt to smear our name and confuse the discussion"--wants you to know that it now accepts some responsibility for global warming. Specifically, and in boldface, it admitted that "It is clear today that greenhouse gas emissions are one of the factors that contribute to climate change, and that the use of fossil fuels is a major source of these emissions." That would seem, on the face of it, to contradict the assertions of some of its favored researchers in the ever-shrinking coterie of global-warming skeptics. The question, of course, is what specific policies ExxonMobil is willing to accept to curb those emissions. With a new Congress taking office, climate change is likely to be a much more salient issue this year than it has been for the last six--so ExxonMobil will have the chance to show if it means what it's saying now.

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