"Box In A Box" Creators Revealed...

"Box In A Box" Creators Revealed...

As mentioned in our earlier item, viral internet sensation "Box In A Box," the ladies' answer to SNL's "Dick In A Box " has been the subject of intense curiosity about the identity of the girl in the video, the mysterious "Bunny" as identified on the "My Box In A Box" website. Someone emailed her photo to IvyGate identifying her as Penn sophomore Melissa Lamb; and in a comment to that post dated today at 3:49 pm, someone else identified the actual singer as a different girl, one Leah Kauffman, a Temple University Junior and local Philly musician (Myspace.com/leahkauffman). They were half right; that is to say, they ID'd half of the four-person team behind the "Box In A Box" sensation.

Yes, just like LonelyGirl15, Bunny and her box was actually the creation of a group of people looking to maximize their appeal on the Internet; in fact, the blog-voice of "Bunny" and the brain behind the box, as it were, is a dude: Ben from New York, who had been planning a collaboration with Leah before the two hit on the DIAB response. One Craigslist ad later, and they had their Bunny (or, in this case, a Lamb). Throw in their producer buddy, Rick Frederick, and an internet phenomenon was born.

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