CIA Leak Prosecutor Fitzgerald Suggested To Scooter Libby During Grand Jury That Libby Created Cover-Up To Protect Cheney...

CIA Leak Prosecutor Fitzgerald Suggested To Scooter Libby During Grand Jury That Libby Created Cover-Up To Protect Cheney...

In a subsequent grand jury appearance, a skeptical prosecutor indicated that he found it hard to believe that Cheney would have written the notations he did in the margins of former Ambassador Wilson's July 6, 2003 New York Times op-ed only after Robert Novak's July 14, 2003 column appeared saying that Valerie Plame was a CIA "operative."

"OK," the prosecutor said, before asking, "And can you tell us why it would be that the Vice President read the Novak column and had questions, some of which apparently seem to be answered by the Novak column, would go back and pull out an original July 6th op-ed piece and write on that?"

Read the entire article here.

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