JustOneMinute: What Is Russert's Game (And Is Fitzgerald Helping Him Play It?)

JustOneMinute: What Is Russert's Game (And Is Fitzgerald Helping Him Play It?)

Tim Russert's testimony, as elicited by the defense, painted a picture of a pundit with a puzzling problem. Arianna Huffington has a great collection of links and a quick summary of Russert's baffling testimony and Jane Hamsher offered some helpful hints as well [and let's include Swopa's liveblogging 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

Let me point out a few dots that the defense has introduced and make some predictions about how they will attempt to connect them. In one sentence, the defense insinuation will be that Russert cooperated with the FBI investigation and committed a firing offense by keeping that from his NBC overlords; he also misled the FBI and the grand jury about his talk with Libby in order to minimize his own role in this case.

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