Ex-LA Times Baghdad Bureau Chief: Iraqis "Humiliated" And "Hostile"

Ex-LA Times Baghdad Bureau Chief: Iraqis "Humiliated" And "Hostile"

Former Los Angeles Times Baghdad Bureau Chief Borzou Daragahi says he doubts the "surge" in Iraq will work, and describes Iraq citizens as "hostile" and "humiliated" after four years of war.

Asked by Brian Lamb, in a forthcoming C-SPAN interview, about his personal views on the war, he replied: "I think at this point, it just - it seems like it's become a disaster. I mean, I don't think anyone could dispute that. It's just going very, very, very, very badly." He said he had mixed feelings about the invasion but "As time wore on, though, as the bodies mounted, it just seems more and more like a really bad mistake."

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