Democrat Lanny Davis Resigns From President's Civil Liberties Board Over Lack Of 'Independence"

Democrat Lanny Davis Resigns From President's Civil Liberties Board Over Lack Of 'Independence"

The White House was hit by two sudden resignations late Monday when Paul McNulty, a top Justice Department official, and Lanny Davis, the only Democratic member of the president's civil liberties watchdog board, announced they were stepping down. Both resignations are likely to fuel allegations of White House political meddling in law enforcement and national security issues.

McNulty, the deputy attorney general, cited the "financial realities of college-age children" as the reason for his resignation. But a close associate, who asked not to be identified talking about private conversations, said that McNulty's decision to leave now was prompted in part by his disenchantment with both Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and top White House officials over their handling of the U.S. attorney controversy.

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