Report: GOP Strategists Consider Lynne Cheney As Candidate To Replace Late Wyoming Senator

Report: GOP Strategists Consider Lynne Cheney As Candidate To Replace Late Wyoming Senator

Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, is being floated in Senate GOP leadership circles as a possible replacement for the late Sen. Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.), who died Monday night. Susan Thomas, the late senator's wife, has also been mentioned by Senate Republicans as a potential choice to take over for her husband, as well as former Justice Department official Tom Sansonetti.

One GOP insider said Lynne Cheney had been in Washington "too long" to be acceptable to the Wyoming GOP, despite her long resume, although that would change if Cheney were to return to Wyoming on a full-time basis. Susan Thomas is reportedly not interested in serving out her husband's term.

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