Not Porn, HBO: New Relationship Series Shows "Entire" Sex Acts And "All Relevant Body Parts"

Not Porn, HBO: New Relationship Series Shows "Entire" Sex Acts And "All Relevant Body Parts"

Larry David doesn't fall in love easily -- he's not that kind of guy -- but this week he may have found a TV show to swoon over.

At the semiannual television press tour in Beverly Hills, a reporter asked the tetchy, misanthropic comic what he thought of HBO's upcoming series about the amorous travails of three middle-class couples, "Tell Me You Love Me," which already has critics buzzing over its super-explicit sex scenes. David looked perplexed until Jeff Garlin, the beefy and unctuous Sancho Panza to David's ectomorphic and prickly Quixote on "Curb Your Enthusiasm," turned to his costar onstage and explained that "Tell Me" would be chockablock with "bosoms and things."

David brightened. "I'm in favor of that!" he announced.

Bosoms and things: That's not exactly a plot summary of "Tell Me," but it's not a bad place to start. Because that's where many viewers will start. Whatever else it may or may not be, "Tell Me," at least in its current form, will set a new precedent for prime-time TV when it has its premiere Sept. 9: No previous series, on pay cable or anywhere else, has dared show anything even close to this much skin; the climax, if you will, of the first episode finds a woman (Sonya Walger) in her 30s masturbating her husband (Adam Scott) to orgasm, with the entire act and all relevant body parts plainly visible. Even Jane Alexander -- yes, that Jane Alexander, the snow-domed, regally poised 67-year-old former chief of the National Endowment for the Arts -- drops trousers for some frisky senior sex.

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