Aspen Newspaper Honors Hunter S. Thompson With "Gonzo Edition"

Aspen Newspaper Honors Hunter S. Thompson With "Gonzo Edition"

Pioneering journalist Hunter S. Thompson, who involved himself in his accounts of America's underbelly and popularized a first-person form of journalism in books such as "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," was honored Saturday with a special issue of the Aspen Daily News.

The so-called "Gonzo Edition," named for Thompson's "gonzo" form of hard-living journalism, was edited by his widown, Anita, and ran three days after what would have been his 70th birthday. Thompson shot himself in 2005 in his home in Woody Creek, near Aspen.

"An adrenaline rush shared with these independent local journalists at the Daily News reminds me of Hunter's balancing act between fear and freedom," Anita Thompson wrote.

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