What's Black And White And Appropriately Attired To Welcome You To The Offices Of The Newly Christened New York Media?

What's Black And White And Appropriately Attired To Welcome You To The Offices Of The Newly Christened New York Media?

2007-08-21-NYMagblackandwhite.JPG...a New York receptionist! Word on the street is that they were told of the new regime yesterday and instructed that, from here in on, they were to be appropriately attired stylishly and nattily exclusively in black and/or white (presumably so that no wild blazes of color distract from Adam Moss' elegant plumage). New York, we are told, is graciously providing the applicable staff with a $750 stipend in order to purchase appropriate attire (apparently they were told "We want you to look monochromatic," which technically doesn't quite work here because (a) black + white = duo, not mono and (b) the word "monochromatic" literally refers to a single color, and technically black and white aren't colors. But why quibble when the end result is so stylish!).

We have put in a request for confirmation from New York-mag-turned-New York Media, but we're pretty sure we're right (but even so, file this under "things we're brazenly publishing without first confirming, because we're feelin' kinda kee-razy today!"). Either way, receptionists, don't spill on yourselves. Unless it's on one of those days when you're wearing black. Then go crazy! New York Media totally sounds like the kind of environment where you're welcome to have food at your desk!

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