Edwards Quick to Cash In On Gonzales Resignation

Edwards Quick to Cash In On Gonzales Resignation

John Edwards' campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination wasted little time Monday in converting Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' resignation into a pitch for donations.

A message from Edwards' Senior Adviser Joe Trippi landed in email inboxes at 3:26pm Eastern Time, mere hours after Gonzales' announcement earlier in the morning. The message comes with a red "resigned" stamp superimposed over the picture of a smiling Gonzales, and a big green "Support Our Campaign" button just below.


Latching onto press speculation that President Bush will name Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff as Gonzales' replacement, Trippi warns that Edwards needs his supporters' help to fight such an unacceptable nomination.

"Gonzales is out--but another crony may be on their way in. Help John lead the fight against crony out, crony in at the Justice Department--make a contribution today.," Trippi wrote.

The other Democrats in the race issued statements on their Web sites about the Gonzales resignation. But the Edwards camp is the first out of the gate to convert Monday's big news into a full-fledged plea for cash.

--Posted by Huffington Post Staff Writer Max Follmer

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