The Terrifying Eco-Revolution Will Not Be Televised

The Terrifying Eco-Revolution Will Not Be Televised
It's a pretty convenient truth that when your environmental concern can be distilled into an affable, amiable project like
An Inconvenient Truth
, it's no big deal to work through proper channels, secure investment, sign a healthy distribution deal, and then pal around with DiCaprio on the award-show circuit. Bundle your Powerpoint presentation with a catchy Melissa Etheridge tune and send your viewers on the way out the door believing they can change the world.

It's a different story altogether when your chosen "awareness-raising" tactic is to terrify the world into submission using an angry, dead-eyed child dressed up as Eminem at his most spouse-icidal. This is the sort of ad that wouldn't likely see the light of day were it not for the miracle of YouTube: your home for issue advocacy such as this Greenpeace ad, recently spotted spreading fright in the blogosphere, which makes it pretty clear that if you don't reduce your carbon footprint immediately, this kid will unabomb the bejeezus out of you.

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