Obama Criticizes NYT's Dowd Over Column

Obama Criticizes NYT's Dowd Over Column

For three years, Sen. Barack Obama has decried the Washington pundits who "like to slice and dice America," as he so memorably put it at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

On Friday, Obama, D-Ill., singled out one of those pundits by name: New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd.

"Maureen Dowd just this week, she said, 'Oh, he's talking about hope. He should be scratching Hillary,'" said Obama to loud laughter. "Well, I stand guilty as charged. I'm hopeful about America."

Obama was referring to a column Dowd wrote on Wednesday headlined, "The 46-Year-Old-Virgin." In it, she urged Obama to confront his chief rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., more forcefully.

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