Obama: Petraeus Hearing Should Not Have Been On 9/11

Obama: Petraeus Hearing Should Not Have Been On 9/11

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., complained during a Senate hearing on the future of Iraq with Army Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker, that holding the hearing on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks "perpertuates the notion" that Iraq and 9/11 are linked.

"I think we should not have had this discussion on 9/11 or 9/10 or 9/12," Obama said during his opening statement. "It perpetuates this notion that the original attacks had something to do with going into Iraq."

Obama went on to criticize what he called a failed Iraq strategy.
"This continues to be a disastrous foreign policy mistake," he said. "There are bad options and worse options."

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