WH Pushes Back At Greenspan: Oil Claim Is "Georgetown Cocktail Party Analysis"

WH Pushes Back At Greenspan: Oil Claim Is "Georgetown Cocktail Party Analysis"

ABC News' John Cochran Reports: Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan's memoirs, 'The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World' doesn't go on sale officially until Monday, but already the White House has fired back at two charges he levels.

Greenspan writes that "the Iraq war is largely about oil." That did not go down very well at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where spokesman Tony Fratto told ABC News he would try to restrain himself. But he still took a pretty good shot at Greenspan: "That sounds like Georgetown cocktail party analysis. The reasons we went to Iraq are well understood and had to do with wmd (weapons of mass destruction), enforcing UN sanctions. To the extent that oil has anything to do with our engagement in Iraq today, it is the danger that al Qaeda could obtain control of oil assets and use them to threaten our interests."

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