"30 Rock" Ready To Roll With Seinfeld

"30 Rock" Ready To Roll With Seinfeld

Like the Ghost of Sitcom Success Past, Jerry Seinfeld appears in this week's season premiere of "30 Rock," agitated and incredulous. "What is wrong with you people?" he shouts at network programming head Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) after learning about a plan to profit from his image without his consent. "What has happened to this network?"

Indeed, what of NBC, once the home to the Hannibal's army of televised comedy -- "Friends," "The Cosby Show," "Frasier" and, of course, "Seinfeld." For years, its Thursday night schedules were impenetrable. Now, it houses the New Idiosyncrasy: "The Office," "My Name Is Earl" and "30 Rock."

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