Let's Play Heartball! Chris Matthews Hosts His Wife On Tonight's Show

Let's Play Heartball! Chris Matthews Hosts His Wife On Tonight's Show

2007-10-04-letsplayHeartball.JPGWe don't know what larger forces of the universe are pulling we at ETP toward Chris Matthews, but we are once again powerless to resist him, thanks to this morning's promo on MSNBC for his show tonight: In honor of the Hardball 10th Anniversary, in honor of his new book, Life's A Campaign, and, no doubt, in honor of the enduring and voter-validated relationship between the Clintons, tonight Chris is hosting his toughest guest ever, i.e. his wife. Yes, tonight's super-special episode of Hardball — or "Heartball," for the
2007-10-04-AllsFair.JPGromantics in the gang — will feature Kathleen Matthews in discussion with her husband on the topic of "All's Fair in Love & War." Let's just hope there aren't any simmering issues under the surface here because in an hour-long show, anything can happen. We're hoping they talk about Chris' weird obsession with whether a woman can be president, or maybe just make out sorta long and uncomfortably like Al and Tipper Gore. Either way, Chris, we're hoping you've got something good planned because Ted Koppel sort of raised the bar.

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