Dispatches From The Penis Emporium

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2007-10-19-PenisinPeril.jpgWow — I don't remember this from CNN's "Planet In Peril" party! It seems that freed from the hushed, august confines of the Museum of Natural History, Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta revealed details about the trip that didn't make into the lush, sweeping nature shots of the global warming doc, airing on CNN next week. Here are some dispatches from the LA screening — at Graumann's Chinese Theater no less! — on Wednesday:

From Anderson, on why he doesn't like getting a pygmy tree frog in the face:

"What I really learned is you actually have to go into nature to report on the environment, which is sort of annoying because I really don't like nature very much."

From Sanjay Gupta on arriving in Beijing:

"They took me straight from the airport to a restaurant that was literally called the Penis Emporium."

We are not going to pass judgment on which assignment sounds like more fun. We are, however, going to say that Jeff Corwin sounds like one helluva guide. (Er, we should clarify that he was a guide in the Brazilian rainforest, not in the Penis Emporium). Speaking of magnificent specimens, Matthew McConaghey and Lance Armstrong were also at the premiere. Oh come now, it was too soon for another Penis Emporium joke, and anyway, this is a serious site. We're above that.

Planet In Peril Hits LA [Inside Cable News]

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