Neocon Scholar: "I Don't Mind If We Bomb [Iran] Next Month Or The Month After"

Neocon Scholar: "I Don't Mind If We Bomb [Iran] Next Month Or The Month After"

AEI scholar Joshua Muravchik has consistently pushed for war with Iran. In Nov. 2006, for example, Muravchik wrote an LA Times op-ed called simply, "Bomb Iran." But as his appearance on MSNBC's Hardball yesterday demonstrated, Muravchik's calls for war with Iran aren't based on any real evidence.

When host Chris Matthews asked how long it will take the Iranians to develop a nuclear weapon "that could be transported by a terrorist group," Muravchik admitted he didn't "know how long it will take them." Muravchik's comments came on the same day that IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei confirmed that it would take Iran three to eight years to build a nuclear weapon.

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