Meta! Anchorman Quotes <em>Anchorman</em>: "Stay Classy, San Diego" Exhorts BriWi

Meta! Anchorman Quotes: "Stay Classy, San Diego" Exhorts BriWi

2007-10-25-brianwilliamsronburgundy.jpgAfter joining a beleaguered city for 48 hours of soot-thickened air, searing heat, homes reduced to rubble and acres of forest now covered by nothing but ashes, how better to bid adieu than quoting a line from a beloved Will Ferrell movie? Today "NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams does just that on his blog with a post entitled "Stay Classy, San Diego" — a wink to the sign-off by Anchorman's titular Ron Burgundy. Williams isn't offering them tickets to the gun show, however — the post is actually an earnest paean to the people of the besieged city:

There's no city in America as stressed as San Diego right now. And there's no city any stronger. Smoke fills the air, there's a crisis underway, and almost to a person, they are dealing with it beautifully. People have come together in some extraordinary ways. During our time in the city, I never heard a voice raised in anger or frustration. Firefighters work days on end without evident fatigue.

Tonight, Williams and the NBC crew are back and will report from New York; we just hope Veronica Corningstone didn't get at his teleprompter.

Stay Classy, San Diego
[Daily Nightly]

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