Robert Redford: "There Has Been So Much Damage To Our Country"

Robert Redford: "There Has Been So Much Damage To Our Country"

[Robert Redford] is not at all optimistic about the future: "The bottom line has taken over everything, including journalism. It's surprising, frankly, that the studios would take a chance on this film [Lions for Lambs, which Redford directed]. There has been so much damage to our country that it's going to take a long, long time to pull ourselves out of it."

Can you see it happening in your lifetime? "Anything's possible," he says. "It's just that there's so much damage and there's such a negative impression of America throughout the world and for these people to be talking about democracy while practising policies that are so undemocratic..."

Does he feel angry? "You know, what I can't forget or forgive is that we were asked to give up our freedoms and let them do what they needed to [after 9/11] and we zipped our lips and gave up challenging the election because they had a difficult job. And it sure was good timing for them."

Read the rest of the interview here

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