"Wired" Harangue Spotlights Love/Hate Relationship Between Hacks, Flacks

"Wired" Harangue Spotlights Love/Hate Relationship Between Hacks, Flacks

Journalists often call publicists "flacks" and publicists call journalists "hacks," though rarely in earshot of one another. But the gloves came off last week after Chris Anderson, the executive editor of Wired magazine, chided "lazy flacks" who deluge him with news releases "because they can't be bothered to find out who on my staff, if anyone, might actually be interested in what they're pitching."

"I've had it," Mr. Anderson wrote on his blog on Oct. 29. "I get more than 300 e-mails a day and my problem isn't spam. ... it's P.R. people."

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