BeckWatch: Coupla Millionaires Sitting Around Talking

BeckWatch: Coupla Millionaires Sitting Around Talking

One of the conventions that Glenn Beck studiously attempts to maintain is this illusion that he's some sort of common man, flush with simple working class concerns. That's why I have to stifle a little gorge everytime he says stuff like, "No, no, no. Not two bucks and a euro. What do you think? I`m made of money?" But he is! Dirty sexy celebrity infotainer money! Is he not aware that he's getting a contract extension from Premiere Radio Networks to the tune of "$50 million over five years"? Maybe he's just not up on current events.

Sitting down with presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, however, Beck did make a grudging admission of this, averring, "While I may not be in your tax bracket, I`m not far off," and admitting that in regard to taxation, he wants to pay "his fair share" and not a dime more. In this context, it's hard to take issue with Beck's hatred of things like socialized medicine - even if he's going to insanely term it "evil." This is two plutocrats, talking plutocracy. At least everyone's being honest.

Well, up to a point anyway. Minutes after railing at the evil of extending health care to all Americans, Beck asks Romney: "Would you guarantee the home loans as president? Would you take on some of those subprime loans to help out the people that took those loans and the banks that would be under that burden or not?"

I guess the relative "evil" of a government handout is inversely proportionate to the tax bracket it's serving!

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