This Week in Video: Natalie Portman Cranks Dat, Celine Is An Air Guitar Hero, And Robin Williams Does Robin Williams

This Week in Video: Natalie Portman Cranks Dat, Celine Is An Air Guitar Hero, And Robin Williams Does Robin Williams

Celine Dion displayed some amazing air guitar skills on "Today", "Oprah", and "Ellen" this week. For those of us who watched every show, she was kind enough to mix up her awesome gestures for each audience. Oprah's audience got a conservative show, while Ellen's audience got a whole lotta seduction via those big sexy eyes. But she saved the best moves for "Today", the only show with no audience at all. She really turned on the sex appeal for this performance. Guess Roker has that affect on women. One thing is for sure, this superstar doesn't have stage presence, she has stage "presents", and she brought enough gift-wrapped boxes of air guitar solos for everyone.

From NBC 11/14/07 and ABC 11/12/07

In the cutest segment of "TRL" ever, Natalie Portman does the "Crank Dat" dance with Soulja Boy, the rapper who created the craze. Quite impressive, considering she does it in high heels. Oh, and if you haven't heard about the Crank Dat dance by now, you're really far behind.

From MTV 11/15/07.

Robin Williams did his best Robin Williams impression on "The Today Show" Wednesday, cracking up the anchors with his off the wall voices and offcolor jokes, including those about deaf and Chinese people. When Meredith Viera asked a question about touching meat, Matt Lauer and Al Roker took preemptive action and muzzled Williams before he had a chance to say anything. The question remains, why are his talk show appearances funnier than his movies?

From NBC 11/14/07

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