Biden Scores With Post-Debate Mashup

Biden Scores With Post-Debate Mashup

The past two Democratic debates have found the top-tier candidates all a-bicker with one another, a spectacle that reached its apogee at the beginning of last week's debate in Las Vegas. There, the internecine entanglements were basically goaded on by CNN, who only needed a surprise paternity test to fully render themselves indistinguishable from the Jerry Springer show. The candidates, most notably Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, have, in the past, produced post-debate ads ("The Politics of Pile On", "The Politics of Parsing"), that seek to claim advantage but typically only end up reinforcing the Dems-at-each-others'-throats storyline.

That's why Joe Biden's new "mash-up" ad is pretty brilliant. Witty and smart and (at last!) positive, it cuts right to that storyline and finds the one thing that everyone on the Democratic side of the nominee-hunt can agree on: that Joe Biden is pretty great.

A good job, all around. Now, Biden just needs to button it with a statement: "I'm Joe Biden, and I approve this message. And, apparently, so do my opponents."

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