E-Mail Accusations Hit Iowans' Inboxes

E-Mail Accusations Hit Iowans' Inboxes

Caucusgoers beware: It's roughly a month away from the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, and the political shenanigans are in high gear.

Such tactics by people who play dirty have moved beyond the destruction of yard signs or push polls that ply caucusgoers with misleading or inaccurate information.

This time, they've taken to the Internet in the form of e-mail accounts made to look like they were sent from campaign officials.

The latest was an e-mail that was sent this week, using the name of a field director for Republican Mitt Romney's campaign and telling voters that one of Rudy Giuliani's advisers is a "pedophile priest."

The e-mail directed voters to a blog item on InsideCatholic.com about Monsignor Alan Placa, a longtime friend of Giuliani's. Placa, who officiated at Giuliani's second wedding and works in his consulting firm, has been accused of molesting two boys in New York.

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