The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show: A Video Recap

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show: A Video Recap

In case you missed it, we've done humanity a great service by watching, rewatching, and watching again in slow motion Tuesday night's annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show on CBS, which we have graciously broken up into only the most important segments. It's a tough job, and no one really has to do it, but we did it anyway.

No Victoria's Secret Fashion Show would be complete without gratuitous butt and boobs shots, and there were plenty to go around.

The funniest part of the show was the coverage of reaction shots from celebrities in the audience. Dean Cain and Ryan Seacrest display synchronized head nodding approval of the ladies, Neil Patrick Harris looks like he might just turn straight, and Jeremy Piven gives the best expression of all, actually appearing angry at how hot the models are.

If you tuned in just to see pretty costumes (why?!?!), there were plenty of strange outfits that you'll probably never see in your local Victoria's Secret.

The surprise of the night was a duet between Seal and Heidi Klum complete with a smooch fest that seemed to go on forever.

The Spice Girls reunited/lip synced an old song.

And how can you have a lingerie show without a... gospel choir?

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