Clinton Using Craigslist To Recruit Supporters

Clinton Using Craigslist To Recruit Supporters

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is taking to the Internet and offering up cash to recruit supporters.

In a post on Craigslist on Friday at 12:31 p.m., a consulting group for the campaign offered to pay volunteers $2 for every person he or she could get to sign Clinton on the Virginia ballot.

According to state requirements, a candidate must receive signatures from 10,000 qualified voters, including at least 400 qualified voters from each of Virginia's 11 congressional districts, if he or she wants to be on the ballot.

So there is money to be made. But for those dreaming of big cash and palatial estates, think again. The job is part-time and only for the weekend. It was posted on the site by Carrie Gay, an employee of Fieldworks, a political consulting group that works in Virginia and for the Clinton campaign.

This is the second time the Clinton campaign has gone to CraigsList for electoral help. In late October, the campaign used the site to advertise for Iowa organizers.

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