Democrats Predict Record Turnout, Republicans Predict Reasonable Turnout

Democrats Predict Record Turnout, Republicans Predict Reasonable Turnout

By this time tomorrow, it will be history. The 2008 Iowa Caucuses commence tonight for both political parties in 1781 precincts around the state. Democratic Party officials are predicting participation will be at record levels. Republicans, by comparison, are expecting "respectable" turn-out.

Today we bring you the voices of Iowans, not the candidates. On New Year's Day Anya Robinson was still on the fence. "I still am undecided on who I want to caucus for. I feel like I haven't gotten enough information about each of the candidates to decide yet, so I'm just kind of trying to figure out in the last couple of days to figure out who I'm going to be caucusing for, but I know I will be caucusing," she said.

Heather Withers says the three front-runners in the Democratic race all have their strengths and it's been hard to choose. "I heard Obama and I just love his vision. I think he has something of Kennedy, something of Martin Luther King," she says. "Hillary -- she has a lot of experience and...I would love to see a woman president."

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