Super Bowl Reactions: Boston Newspapers, Rating Super Bowl Ads, Giants Victory Parade

Super Bowl Reactions: Boston Newspapers, Rating Super Bowl Ads, Giants Victory Parade

Google searches are going wild for anything to do with the SuperBowl after the New York Giants upset the almost perfect New England Patriots. According to Google trends at 11:30am EST Monday -- the live updating list Google uses to gauge the world's interest in search terms and topics -- subjects related to the Super Bowl made up the top 11 searches. There are many more football terms peppered throughout the following 89.

People are most interested in Boston's reaction to their gilded Patriots' loss. They are searching for Boston newspapers to give them any indication of the city's pain. The Boston Globe isn't holding back it's dissapointment today. The paper is running a banner headline that screams "History Derailed."

The Giants victory parade comes next. Politics gets mixed with sports in this term. The parade will be held on Super Tuesday when New Yorkers are expected to hit the polls to participate in the closest event this country has seen to a national primary.

HuffPost reporter Sam Stein writes about whether the parade could hurt Hillary Clinton's Super Tuesday chances:

How it will affect the election - if at all - is impossible to say. Does the male beer-drinking, football watching demographic support their hometown senator, Hillary Clinton, or the Chicago Bears-loving Barack Obama? Are people capable of voting and attending a parade on the same day? Will this produce the worst gridlock ever?

The questions may seem entirely too trivial. But they were of enough importance that officials in Boston - predictably confident of a Patriots win - were already planning parade routes that would skirt polling places.

And of course the Super Bowl wouldn't be complete without! Everybody wants to look at them again today or rate them. The game has been decided. But you can still decide who won the advertising game. Click here to look at some of the ads again.

Look at the Hartford Courant's Super Bowl Ad report card. New York Newsday looks at the ads as well. The Boston Herald sees how well the ads fared in internet searches.

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