Sexist Chelsea Clinton Statements Prompt Campaign To Attack MSNBC

Sexist Chelsea Clinton Statements Prompt Campaign To Attack MSNBC

UPDATE: MSNBC has suspended anchor David Shuster for his comments about Chelsea Clinton.

In a conference call this afternoon, the Clinton campaign pushed back hard against what they see as a barrage of sexist and inappropriate comments from MSNBC anchors:

A distasteful comment about Chelsea Clinton by an MSNBC anchor could imperil Hillary Rodham Clinton's participation in future presidential debates on the network, a Clinton spokesman said.

In a conference call with reporters, Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson on Friday excoriated MSNBC's David Shuster for suggesting the Clinton campaign had "pimped out" 27-year old Chelsea by having her place phone calls to Democratic Party superdelegates on her mother's behalf. Wolfson called the comment "beneath contempt" and disgusting.

"I, at this point, can't envision a scenario where we would continue to engage in debates on that network," he added.

Greg Sargent at TPM points out:

That he would effectively rule out future debate appearances for the time being strongly suggests that the Hillary campaign discussed this in some detail beforehand and decided to launch this broadside against the network. It also suggests that the Hillary camp sees the potential for political gain in drawing media attention to negative and sexist comments made on MSNBC about her and her daughter.

Watch: David Shuster claim Chelsea is being "pimped out" by the Clinton campaign.

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