Is This Legal? TMZ Livestreams From LAX

Is This Legal? TMZ Livestreams From LAX

TMZ has made a recent habit of livestreaming from "celebrity hotspots" (The Ivy, The Arclight, The Grove) and seminal celebrity events (Heath Ledger's death), but today's choice seems barely legal in the age of over-the-top airport security. If you've been to an airport in the past 6 1/2 years you've not been able to idle you car while waiting for a passenger pick up, much less park.
But today TMZ has managed to set up a video camera at LAX and livestream the drop-off zone. "Can we spot Best Actress winner Marion Cotillard before she jets back to France? Watch and find out."
The few minutes Huffington Post has watched, a cop car has been parked front and center and no stars have walked by.

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