Jailed Ex-Tyco CEO Misses His Dogs

Jailed Ex-Tyco CEO Misses His Dogs

He ripped off shareholders to the tune of $400 million, but Dennis Kozlowski still has his sensitive side. The former Tyco czar, now doing eight to 25 years in the slammer for misappropriation, grand larceny and fraud, is pining - not for his ex-wife, Karen, who dumped him after his conviction, but for his beloved pet pooches. Kozlowski's one-time p.r. man, Barry Epstein, tells The Palm Beach Post he got a handwritten letter from the corporate con man moaning that "simply seeing my dogs would mean so very much to me."

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Read the original Palm Beach Post item (scroll down to the "Lowdown") about the former Boca Raton resident, which adds that the 61-year-old divorcee is still teaching GED classes to fellow inmates.

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